Friday, September 25, 2009

Hey Blog!

Hey blog. Long time no see. You look thinner. Except for your muscles, which look bigger. And you seem smarter, more confident, and funnier than I remember you. Not that you weren't those things before. This isn't coming out right.

What I'm trying to say is that I missed you.

Things happen and I'll think, I should tell my blog about this, and then I'll think, it's been so long since blog and I talked, can I really start up again with something this small? Hey blog, Ripley ate a squirrel... no, that won't do. And so I don't say anything. Even some kind of big things - like, did you know that Mars has a penis? - have gone without comment. And all this right when I need your help. How do you feel about Mojo as a middle name, blog? Because I really like it and it's meeting some resistance. Can you do anything about this, blog?

Anyway, we've started shooting The Beaver. At this moment Mel Gibson is wandering around New York with a beaver puppet on his hand because despite having a team of agents, managers, and years of experience, he was somehow convinced it was a good move. Here's hoping he's right. I would love to say more, blog, but as we've discussed, the most interesting things are the ones I end up not being able to write down. If you see me in person, like if you and I got on an elevator, I tend to talk a lot about this. I have thoughts, feelings, etc. about it. But they're elevator thoughts, not internet thoughts. And since you live in the internet, well... sorry about that.

We also tried to buy a house, and sell a house, and then build a house, and we accomplished none of these because we're afraid of everything. Apparently our house isn't worth what we're asking for it, but the one we wanted to buy, they wouldn't sell for anything less. And building, it turns out, takes a long, long, long time, and they want you to pay for the house even before you can live in it. Doesn't that seem wrong? It seemed wrong to us. So we're just going to keep the whole gang here, have the three kids share one room until one of them lands a Disney Channel series and buys us an island. Or Mel's place is apparently for sale and there's practically no limit to what some Hannah Montana money could buy us.

I'm taking Amy to the set for our 11th anniversary next week because as you know the 11th is the bring your spouse to work anniversary. It's also the get someone else to pay for your hotel and airfare anniversary and still probably complain about the price of food in New York anniversary. All this obviously comes before the 12th, which is the why did I marry this cheap idiot anniversary. I'll let you know how it goes.

That's all for now, blog. Don't give up on me. I have so much to say to you, we just keep letting the little things get in the way. Life's too short for that, blog. Let's talk. Everyday. We can do it. Okay, not everyday, but often. Sometimes. We'll do like an every other week thing. Every other solstice? Let's maybe not get bogged down in specifics. We'll just, you know, see each other around. Maybe on an elevator. I've missed you.

Hold me?

p.s. Mars Mojo Killen - please register your support. Or I'm willing to go with Mars Jones Killen and have the nickname be Mojo. You love it, right?


Unknown said...

I think this may be the first time EVER that knowledge acquired during several courses of landscape architecture proved useful. James Doyle was famous long before Mad Max.

Btw, I've been dying to meet you in an elevator so to speak. Was confused whether I should track fares to NY or simply drive to austin. Actually quickly passed through the latter a couple weeks ago in search of mexican food, but since I have literally forgotten how to use a telephone we mostly drove around all of texas getting on each other's nerves.

Congrats on anniversaries and penises and so forth.

Unknown said...

Wow, you've got an excellent blog-style. I mean like, collectible & publishable for a humor book. Seriously consider that. I think it'd be a fun adventure & you can blog about how dumb the idea is, slowly come around to it, mention it to your people (I love that hollywood word) and do a book about a writer talking about his movie getting made and the actual story that is his life. It'd be quirky & different. I'd certainly like it. Maybe it'd pay for the house :0)

Best regards,

Freddie Farid

itstartedwithawindmill said...

Mojo sounds like a good middle name. I'd go for Major Mojo Killen. Mars is good, but Major sounds a bit regal & way cool. I know you're cheap, but do you think your wife would take some type of bribe for the middle name? Just a thought.

During my bicycle messenger bags, elevator rides were always quiet until I broke out the Rice Krispies Treats wrapped in aluminum foil. This was before they were sold that way in stores. The women all noticed and some even were willing to take a bite.

Pimping out the twins to Disney would be grounds for divorce in my book. Hopefully your wife's got more sense than that.

Admin said...

@michael - took a long time for me to dig up that James Doyle reference.

@freddie - many thanks

@trash- I don't know who you are, but we're on the same wavelength. I've been pushing Major for a long time, but Amy has ruled out names that are also jobs. Planets are apparently okay though.

sean b said...

Although I do believe "Mar" is a pretty good way to describe how I do my job... so be careful. It maybe close enough to disqualify.

You know what? Forget I said anything.

Bob Killen said...

Glad to see your both heading to NY and it is always important to share the lunacy of your movie set with your wife on the 11th.

I can go with Mars, but I gather that I am in a distinct minority according to the rest of the Killen clan, friends, and the occasional acquaintance when I say while standing in the check out line, "Having a grandson in January--their naming um' Mars."

Kinda' speeds up the check out line as folks move away.

SomeGoSoftly said...

You made the 'week in photos'...

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you didn't mention my saddle bags.

I will call him Majo.

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